Ministry of Education and Science
Siberian Branch of RAS
Regional association in neuroinformatics
Institute of computational modelling SB RAS
Siberian federal university
Institute of biophysics SB RAS

XXX Всероссийский семинар
«Нейроинформатика, ее приложения и анализ данных»

September 30 — October 2, 2022, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok

Reports are accepted in the following areas:

  1. Learning algorithms and neural network architecture.
  2. Neural network systems for information processing and image recognition.
  3. Neural network expert systems.
  4. Neural network control systems.
  5. Neural network software and its design principles.
  6. Neural network technologies for data analysis and knowledge extraction.
  7. Neuroscience; brain models.
  8. Technical bases of implementation of neurosystems.
  9. Parallel information processing systems.
  10. Expert systems.
  11. Adaptive control theory.
  12. Automata training and self-learning programs.
  13. Data analysis: statistical and heuristic methods.
  14. Methods of artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic.
  15. Methods for shortening the description and visualization of data.

Gorban A. N. — Ph.D., Professor, Chair in Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester
Sadovsky M. G. — Doctor of Ph.D., VNS IVM SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk

Members of the Organizing Committee:
Zinoviev A. Yu. — Interdisciplinary chair at Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Head of Scientific Coordinator of Computational Systems Biology of Cancer team Institut Curie, Paris
Pyatkovsky O. I. — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, AltSTU, Barnaul
Veisov E. A. — Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
Mirkes E. M. — Doctor of Technical Sciences, University of Leicester, UK 
Terekhov S. A. — Ph.D., RAII, RANI, Troitsk, Moscow region.
Vladimirov B. M. — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of NC at the Russian State University, Rostov-on-Don
Tyumentsev Yu. V. — Doctor of Technical Sciences, MAI, Moscow

Secretary of the Organizing Committee
Senashova M. Yu. — Ph.D.-M.N., IVM SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk

To participate in the seminar, you need to August 25, 2022 on the website:

  1. log in as a user or register if you are not registered yet;
  2. register for the conference and send send application and report texts.

It is also possible to August 25, 2022 send directly to the Organizing Committee an application for participation indicating the return address, full name and patronymic; positions, degrees and titles of all authors; topics and forms of communication (poster, 20-minute, lecture — 30–45 min.) and the text of the message. Abstracts will be published before the conference. The volume of the submitted material should be not less than 4 and not more than 6 pages in Russian or English in MSWord format. Be sure to specify NEU-22 in the “Subject”. The registration fee is 350 rubles, for students and postgraduates — 175 rubles.

In addition, the materials recommended by the program committee, if desired by the author, will be published as an article in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, indexed in Scopus. The journal is Open Access, so the publication is paid. The prices for publication and related services (translation, registration) are determined by the publishing organization — the Krasnoyarsk Regional House of Science and Technology.

This year, due to the international situation, publication in the journal will be carried out through Uzbek colleagues. The exact cost of publication and payment terms will be known closer to the conference.

The conference will be held in a mixed format: in person and online using Zoom.

The rules for the design of materials can be downloaded here, and we strongly recommend following them as strictly as possible. You can use the attached template to prepare materials. Rules for the design of articles in Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Addresses of the organizing committee: Maria Senashova, Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
Telephone: +7 913 8318807

Chairman of the Organizing Committee,
Chief Researcher of the IVM SB RAS,
Professor A. N. Gorban