Ministry of Education and Science
Siberian Branch of RAS
Regional association in neuroinformatics
Institute of computational modelling SB RAS
Siberian federal university
Institute of biophysics SB RAS
The XXVIII National Workshop
Neuroinformatics and its applications
September 25–27, 2020, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok
Accepted reports in the following areas:
- Algorithms of learning and architecture of neural networks.
- Neural network information processing and pattern recognition systems.
- Neural network expert systems.
- Neural network control systems.
- Neural network software and its design principles.
- Neural network technology for data analysis and knowledge extraction.
- Neurobionics, brain models.
- Technical basis for the implementation of neural systems.
- Parallel information processing systems.
- Expert systems.
- Theory of adaptive control.
- Automaton training and self-learning programs.
- Data analysis: statistical and heuristic methods.
- Methods of artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic.
- Methods of reducing the description and visualization of data.
To participate in the seminar you need to July 25, 2020 on the site:
- sign in as a user or sign up if you have not registered yet;
- register for the conference and send an application form and report texts .
You can also July 25, 2020 send directly to the Organizing Committee an application for participation with the return address, full name and patronymic, as well as the position, degree and title of all authors; Subjects and forms of the message (poster, 10-minute, 20-minute, lecture — 30–45 minutes) and the text of the message.
Workshop materials will be published in full.
The volume of the presented material should be not less than 4 and not more than 6 pages in Russian or English in the format of MSWord.
Be sure to specify in the Subject NEU-20.
The admission fee is 350 rubles, for undergraduate and graduate students — 175 rubles.
The rules for the materials can be downloaded here , and we strongly recommend that you follow them as strictly as possible.
You can use the attached template for the preparation of materials.
Addresses of the Organizing Committee: Maria Senashova, Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
Phone: +7 391 2907469
Chairman of the Organizing Committee,
Chief Researcher, ICM SB RAS,
Professor A. N. Gorban