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Russian association in neuroinformatics
Siberian Branch of RAS
Regional association in neuroinformatics
Krasnoyarsk State Technical University
Institute of computational modelling SB RAS
Krasnoyarsk State University
Krasnoyarsk state medical academy
Institute of biophysics SB RAS
“Integratsiya” Integration Programme

The XI National Workshop
“Neuroinformatics and its applications”

October 3–5, 2003, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok

Scope of the Workshop:

  1. Training algorithms and neural network architecture.
  2. Neural network systems of information processing and image recognition.
  3. Neural network expert systems.
  4. Neural network contraol and management systems.
  5. Neural network software and design principles.
  6. Neural network technologies for data analysis and knowledge retrieval.
  7. Neurobionics; brain models.
  8. Technical issues of neural network implementation.
  9. Parallel system of information processing.
  10. Expert systems.
  11. Theory of adaptive control.
  12. Training of automata and self-learning programmes.

      August 20, 2003 is the deadline for application. An application should contain name (first, middle, last), address (including e-mail), affiliation and position, names of all the authors of a contribution and indicate the type of contribution (poster, oral, 10 minutes, oral, 20 minutes, lecture 30–45 minutes). Abstract of presentation should be submitted simultaneously, not exceed 2 A4 pages in Russian, camera ready, Times New Roman, 12 pt with all margins of 1 inch. Only e-mail applications accompanied with the hard copy of abstract are accepted.

      An Abstract pattern is the following:

 A. U. Thor-1, A. U. Thor-2
Affiliation and address, including e-mail
empty line
body of the text

      PLEASE INDICATE “NEU-03” in Subject line, or send a diskette (Word97,98,2000 for Win).

      A notification on the acceptance of a presentation, preliminary programme, formal invitation and accomodation information will be mailed before September 1, 2003.

      The Workshop will be accompanied with exhibition and sale of PC software, with peculiar interest to educational programmes. Please contact us, if you want to participate at the exhibition.

Contact person: Dr. Galina M. Sadovskaya (Mrs), Institute of computational modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
Tel: +7 3912 494769
E-mail: amse@icm.krasn.ru

 Contacts: ICM SB RAS, 2003  Place: