Siberian Branch of RAS
Institute of computational modelling SB RAS
Siberian federal university
L. A. Melentyev Institute of energy systems of RAS
Siberian State University of Technology
Institute of physics SB RAS
Institute of biophysics SB RAS
The XXIII National Workshop
“Modelling of non-equilibrium systems”
October 2–4, 2020, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok
Workshop Directions:
- Methods and technologies of mathematical modeling of non-equilibrium systems methods of mathematical modeling, methods of imitation.
- Development of mathematical and software modeling of non-linear, non-stationary and space-inhomogeneous processes.
- Development of methods for modeling complex systems, applications in physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, medicine, economics and finance.
To participate in the seminar you need to August 10, 2020 on the site:
- sign in as a user or sign up if you have not registered yet;
- register for the conference and send the report text .
It is also possible to August 10, 2020 send directly to the Organizing Committee an application with the return address, full name and patronymic; positions, degrees and titles of all authors; Subjects and forms of the message (poster, 10-minute, 20-minute, lecture — 30–45 minutes) and the text of the message.
Works will be published (materials) of the seminar, in full.
The volume of the presented material should be not less than 4 and not more than 6 pages in Russian or English in the format of MSWord.
Be sure to specify in the “Subject” MNS-20.
The admission fee is 350 rubles, for undergraduate and graduate students — 175 rubles.
The rules for the materials can be downloaded here , and we strongly recommend that you follow them as strictly as possible. You can use the attached template for the preparation of materials.
A message about the inclusion of your report in the program, an invitation and information on hotel prices will be sent to you by September 20, 2020.
Address of the MHC-20 Organizing Committee: Maria Yu. Senashova (Mrs), Institute of computational modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
Phone: +7 391 2907469
Chairman of the Organizing Committee,
Leading Researcher, ICM SB RAS
M. G. Sadowski