Institute of computational modelling SB RAS
Krasnoyarsk State Technical University
Krasnoyarsk State University
Siberian State University of Technology
Integratsiya Integration Programme
The third workshop
Distributed and cluster computations
Krasnoyarsk, Russia, September 24–26, 2003
Scope of the conference:
- Problems of mathematical modelling and simulation on the multi-processor computers.
- Parallel computations for modelling of dynamics of complex discrete systems.
- Parallel computations in statistical systems of nature and society.
- Parallel programming in multimedia, signal and images processing.
- Control over the parallel computations.
- Tools for implementation and applications of parallel programmes.
- Problems of remote access to computation resources.
Applications for the participation should be submitted by e-mail to the address
Please insert CLUSTER into the Subject field.
August 15, 2003 is the deadline for applications. An application should contain:
- name (first, middle, last);
- affiliation, position;
- postal address, including zip code;
- telephone;
- e-mail;
- title and preferred duration of presentation (indicate without a presentation otherwise);
- short annotation (not exceeding 1 page).
A limited number of travel grants are available for invited speakers and young scientists.
The proceeding will be published upon the completion of the workshop. Authors are encouraged to prepare the text in electronic form (LaTeX-2e or Word 97–2000, Times, 12 pt, single spacing, not exceeding 8 pages).
Contact person: Dr. Galina M. Sadovskaya (Mrs), ICM SB RAS, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
Tel: +7 3912 494769, +7 3912 432756